It's a "mirror" story because the language used by Abigaël is switched according to the version read, without translation available. The origin’s country of both Guy and Abigaël are also different.
Part 1-1: The traps’ paradise.
They are Moire Aidera, nicknamed Moiraid-F12. They thought they were having an ordinary day, until they found a strange program on their PC: "ChatAid". It seems to have installed itself. Their antivirus doesn't detect anything dangerous. Since they are curious, Moire runs it.
[Connecting to ChatAid’s chatroom...] appears in green on the screen which has turned black. They wait for some time and then [Connection complete.] appears just below it. Also in green. Immediately a conversation begins between several people. Their texts all have a different color.
<Willi101> [So did anyone find a way out of here?]
Willi101 has yellow text.
<Danidesu> [No.]
Danidesu has green text but in a different shade from the previous messages.
<JolieAbby> [Non ! Il ne semble pas y avoir de sortie.]
JolieAbby has pale pink text. Which is a cliché because she seems to be the only girl in the group. Also, she seems to type in French.
<Guyishere> [Abby, in English pls!]
Guyishere has pale blue text.
<JolieAbby> [Désolée.]
<Danidesu> [Come on, Guy, you know Abigaël and English]
<Willi101> [Don't encourage her Danieru! Just because she goes to French school doesn't mean she can ignore English!]
<Willi101> [And you know very well that Guy doesn't speak French.]
<Guyishere> [Hey, William, don't say crap!]
<Guyishere> [I know French like everyone who grew up in a bilingual city, but English is the commercial language. So, in EN pls!]
In any case, they all seem to know each other. They must be long-time friends.
<Willi101> [Is it just me or is there someone else connected besides us?]
<Guyishere> [Huh?]
<Danidesu> [Are you serious ~desu nya?]
<Guyishere> [Oh, you're not going to start with your Japasilliness again!]
<JolieAbby> [lol XD]
<Danidesu> [I can't help it, you're too easy to provoke!]
<Danidesu> [and everyone who knows me knows very well that I'm not a fan of Japan, Anime, Manga]
<Guyishere> [Yeah that's right, Danieru-senpai Ne ^.^]
<Danidesu> [HEY! It's not my fault my parents are obsessed with them!]
<Danidesu> ["Danieru"... who had this brilliant idea to name their kid Danieru instead of Daniel?]
<JolieAbby> [Allez, les gars, pas de disputes!]
<JolieAbby> [O.o.]
<Willi101> [Come on, is anybody there?]
Moire decides to type. After all, what can happen to them? Nothing.
<Moiraid-F12> [Yes, I'm here.]
<Willi101> [I was right! Somebody's here! So you're Moiraid-F12? Nice username.]
<Willi101> [I am William Earth aka Willi101!]
<Guyishere> [Are we telling each other everything now or what?]
<JolieAbby> [Je ne vois pas où est le problème. S'il... elle... iel peut nous aider.]
<Guyishere> [Abby, try harder!]
<JolieAbby> [Sorry. Moiraid-F12, are you...?]
<Moiraid-F12> [I am Moire Aidera. As for my gender, it dosen't matter right now.]
<JolieAbby> [Ok. Abigaël Ducoeur alias JolieAbby for moi.]
<Guyishere> [*sigh* She'll drive me crazy with her Frenglish. Guy Liver aka Guyishere.]
<Danidesu> [And I'm Danieru Mindspirit aka Danidesu!]
<Danidesu> [I'm glad you're here, Moiraid-F12. We need help.]
<Danidesu> [But it's better to start from the beginning.]
<Moiraid-F12> [I agree.]
Moire needs to understand what is going on before they can help them.
<Danidesu> [We are all from Quebec.]
<Willi101> [Canada.]
<Guyishere> [Yes in Canada. We've been friends for a long time.]
They suspected as much.
<Guyishere> [Abigaël comes from a French family who immigrated to Canada when she was a child.]
<JolieAbby> [J'avais 5 ans, I remembrer well.]
<Guyishere> [Danieru and William are pure Quebecois.]
<Danidesu> [Totally ~desu yo!]
<Willi101> [Dani...]
<Guyishere> [I was born in the United States but since my parents immigrated when I was a 3-year-old toddler I don't remember much.]
<Danidesu> [That's *why* you insist so much on Abby speaking in English!]
<Guyishere> [Yeah but hey I'm not gonna spend all my time yelling at her.]
<JolieAbby> […]
<JolieAbby> [T.T.]
<Willi101> [Let's get back to the most important thing.]
<JolieAbby> [Ouais. On a eu… cet weird email.]
<Willi101> [Yes. Supposedly, we won 1 free night at the hotel called "The traps’ paradise".]
<JolieAbby> [But she's not mentioned anywhere.]
<Guyishere> [Uh... that's a "it" for "it is a hotel", Abby.]
<Guyishere> [I know. English can be a tricky language.]
<JolieAbby> [Non, je… must make more efforts.]
<JolieAbby> [Bref]
<JolieAbby> [Anyway the hotel is nowhere on the Internet but we found it in the forest.]
<Danidesu> [Yes. In the woods, a good]
<Danidesu> [4 or 5 hours?]
<Danidesu> [I don't remember, but it's after one of Montraelle’ exits.]
<Moiraid-F12> [Montraelle?]
The name doesn't ring a bell.
<Danidesu> [The city.]
It still doesn't mean anything to them. Whatever.
<Willi101> [So we found it, we went in, but the place is deserted.]
<Danidesu> [We have explored the place, but we have the strange feeling of being observed.]
<Guyishere> [And then we wanted to leave but there was no way out.]
<JolieAbby> [Toutes les sorties]
<JolieAbby> [Exits gone.]
<JolieAbby> [I mean they're missing.]
<Danidesu> [I was holding back from panicking. My heart was all]
<Guyishere> [Doki doki?]
<Moiraid-F12> [Literature Club?]
<Danidesu> [NOOOOOOO]
<Moiraid-F12> [xD]
<JolieAbby> [ROFL!]
<Willi101> [We searched everywhere, but we didn't find any other exits.]
<Guyishere> [And then we discovered this cat... uh chat... chatroom.]
<Guyishere> [It is displayed on touch screens.]
<Moiraid-F12> [It's quite strange.]
A no exit hotel, a chatroom on touch screens, ChatAid...
<JolieAbby> [Anyway, there are some partout]
<JolieAbby> [touch screens everywhere]
<Guyishere> [We thought maybe we could call for help.]
<Willi101> [And you came along Moiraid-F12.]
<Willi101> [Well, not really come, since you're safe in front of your PC]
<Willi101> [but you can help us!]
<Moiraid-F12> [Naturally.]
Moire has nothing else to do, anyway, and who would abandon people in distress? Not them.
<Danidesu> ["The traps’ paradise"]
<Danidesu> [traps = pitfalls = torappu]
<Danidesu> [That's not reassuring.]
Obviously Danieru / Danidesu has a weakness for Japanese although he claims that he’s not a Japan fan.
<JolieAbby> [!!!!!!!!!]
Moire wonders if Abigaël has problems. Without wasting time, they type.
<Moiraid-F12> [Abigaël? What's the matter?]
What she answers seems impossible. However, it is the reality.
<JolieAbby> [Je vois]
<JolieAbby> [I see someone.]
<JolieAbby> [A man with brown hair covered in blood!]
<JolieAbby> [Il a une weapon.]
<JolieAbby> [Il vient over here!]
<Willi101> [Fuckin' shit, he's a killer!]
<Guyishere> [Since when do you cuss William?]
<Willi101> [This isn’t the time to lecture me!]
<Danidesu> [A serial killer? Abigaël!]
<Danidesu> [Moiraid-F12, do something!]
<Moiraid-F12> [What do you expect me to do?]
<Moiraid-F12> [I'm not even in the hotel!]
<Moiraid-F12> [Uh, Abby don't just stand there, run!]
<JolieAbby> [Ok! I'm getting away.]
<Danidesu> [Matte! Not a good idea.]
<Moiraid-F12> [Why?]
A few minutes pass without any new message in ChatAid. Moire takes the opportunity to go to the bathroom.
<JolieAbby> [Il continue to follow me]
<JolieAbby> [I]
<Guyishere> [Abby?]
She doesn't answer.
<Guyishere> [Respond!]
<Guyishere> [Come on, answer me!!!]
Still no word from Abby.
<Guyishere> [Hey Abby? Still alive?]
<Willi101> [That's not funny!]
He's not wrong.
<Guyishere> [T.T.]
<Danidesu> [What do we do now? Shall we go looking for her?]
<Willi101> [I don't know.]
<Willi101> [Hey Moiraid-F12 do you have an idea?]
Moire is undecided.
<Moiraid-F12> [Well]
Then suddenly a message from Abigaël appears.
<JolieAbby> [J'suis de retour, tt le monde!]
<Willi101> [OMG! Where have you been?]
<Guyishere> [He thought you were dead.]
<Moiraid-F12> [o.O.]
<Willi101> [NO! I was worried, that's all!]
<JolieAbby> [I had fled to a lower floor. On the way, I remarqué some strange things.]
<Moiraid-F12> [Strange things?]
<JolieAbby> [Ouais. Strange colors on walls and on floor's tuiles.]
<JolieAbby> [I'm thinking... this hotel is called "the traps’ paradise".]
<JolieAbby> [« le paradis des pièges »]
<JolieAbby> [alors]
<Moiraid-F12> [So?]
<JolieAbby> [Il y a un tueur in the building]
<JolieAbby> [There may be others]
<JolieAbby> [Nous ne savons pas]
<JolieAbby> [So maybe it's like in "Double Switch" or "Night Trap".]
<Moiraid-F12> [What?]
Moire knows these video games.
<Willi101> [Are you saying that we must trap]
<Guyishere> [o.O.]
<Moiraid-F12> [Guy?]
Is he in danger?
<Guyishere> [I see a woman who looks suspicious.]
<Guyishere> [She's wearing a red dress. She has a handbag. She has a funny glow in her eyes.]
<Guyishere> [OMG!]
<Guyishere> [She took a gun out of her handbag!]
<Guyishere> [I'm going to hide.]
<Guyishere> [CYA if I survive ^.^]
<Danidesu> ["CYA if I survive ^.^"?]
<Danidesu> [Baka baka GUY-KUN!!!]
<Moiraid-F12> [lol]
Well, it wasn’t the time to make jokes but Danieru is funny.
<Danidesu> [!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
<Willi101> [Danieru? What's the matter?]
<Moiraid-F12> [You were faster than me, William.]
<Danidesu> [I see a kid.]
<Danidesu> [He looks more like a zombie than a human being.]
<Danidesu> [Come on, I'm outta here!]
<Moiraid-F12> [...]
<Moiraid-F12> [O...k...?]
<Willi101> [So there are several killers.]
<Willi101> [And if we can trap them all, would we be able to leave the hotel?]
<JolieAbby> [On dirait bien que oui.]
<JolieAbby> [The exits must come back d'une manière ou d'une autre.]
<JolieAbby> [But I don't know how to control the traps.]
<JolieAbby> [Moiraid-F12, avez-vous les contrôles on your side?]
<Moiraid-F12> [No. There's only the chatroom interface.]
Moire sees nothing else on their screen.
<Willi101> [Hey.]
<Willi101> [I see a man.]
<Willi101> [I think it's the same one you saw, Abby.]
<Willi101> [I'm going to hide in a room.]
<JolieAbby> [Compris !]
<JolieAbby> [No killers on the horizon for me.]
<JolieAbby> [Alors]
<JolieAbby> [Moiraid-F12]
<Moiraid-F12> [?]
<JolieAbby> [Faisons des tests !]
<Moiraid-F12> [Ok.]
<JolieAbby> [I'm going to press a colored tuile.]
<JolieAbby> [Let's see what's going on]
Three minutes pass without a new message in ChatAid and then...
<JolieAbby> [So?]
<Moiraid-F12> [Nothing from my side.]
<JolieAbby> [Je vois.]
<JolieAbby> [Peut-être que les contrôles are on our side.]
<JolieAbby> [But I can't see anything.]
<JolieAbby> [Only the chatroom.]
<JolieAbby> [So how do we trap them?]
<Moiraid-F12> [Maybe you have to press once to set the trap and once more to activate it.]
It's an idea like any other.
<JolieAbby> [Oh!]
<JolieAbby> [So I have to amener one here.]
<JolieAbby> [Attendez 1 minute!]
<Danidesu> [Here I am again!]
<Guyishere> [Me too! Where's William?]
<Willi101> [I am here. I've just come out of my hiding spot.]
<JolieAbby> [Ok. I lured one to me. A man who looks like the undead.]
<Moiraid-F12> [Like a zombie?]
<JolieAbby> [I'm going to press twice on a colored tuile and]
<JolieAbby> [OMFG it worked!]
<Guyishere> [Huh?]
<JolieAbby> [Moiraid-F12 et moi we found how pièger the killers!]
<JolieAbby> [I just got one! YAY!]
<Danidesu> [It's great ~desu! We can get out of here!]
<Guyishere> [And in 1 piece.]
<Willi101> [Thanks to you, Moiraid-F12. Without your help, we would never have been able to get out of this.]
<Moiraid-F12> [I didn't do much.]
It's true.
<Danidesu> [Baka Willi! Don't talk too soon! We still have to trap these fucking kuso ya bastards!]
<Moiraid-F12> [LoL]
<Guyishere> [Yeah. By the way, where did they come from? They don't all look human.]
<Danidesu> [They may be aliens, demons, or disturbed people from other universes.]
<JolieAbby> [Peut-être.]
<Guyishere> [An even more important question in my opinion, this hotel]
<Guyishere> [is it "real" or not?]
<Guyishere> [I mean, are we in another dimension or]
<Danidesu> [It doesn't matter. I don't care about the details! The "why", the "how".]
<Danidesu> [I just want to go home.]
<Guyishere> [Let's go trap these fucking killers!]
<Willi101> [You're gonna have to teach us.]
<JolieAbby> [No problems! To utiliser the traps, you]
Let's skip the explanations.
Some time later...
<Willi101> [Before we leave to hunt them down, F12]
<Willi101> [Moiraid-F12, do you think we'll see each other again IRL?]
<Moiraid-F12> [Uh, yeah, I guess.]
<Willi101> [So cool. CYA then!]
Messages from William and his friends disappear. [Disconnect from ChatAid's chatroom...] appears in green on the screen. Moire waits for some time and then [Disconnection complete.] appears just below it. Also in green. Immediately the program "ChatAid" is removed from their PC!
They searched the net, and even in the dark web, but they couldn’t find it. No matter, Moire knows that William and his friends will be freed after having trapped all the killers. But still, what was that hotel? Hmm.
Part 1-2: Oh the Portal Rift!
A week later, Moire is browsing the Net when the Internet tab closes by itself leaving place to their desktop. All the icons except one are gone. Characid’s. It is back. Without wasting time, they run it.
[Connecting to ChatAid’s chatroom...] appears in green on the screen which has turned black. They wait for some time and then [Connection complete.] appears just below it. Also in green.
Moire expected to see William and his friends again but it’s another person who uses the chatroom.
<Love6> [Hello.]
<Love6> [I don't know if it works.]
<Love6> [This ChatAid, what a strange application]
<Love6> [Because I need some help.]
<Love6> [Is somebody there?]
Moire doesn’t answer them.
<Love6> [Come on, I know there's somebody.]
<Love6> [Because Iola knows.]
<Love6> [I don't know how]
<Love6> [but she knows.]
<Moiraid-F12> [Yes, it works because I'm here.]
<Love6> [You could have answered me before, you know?]
<Love6> [My name is Aimé and, as mentioned before, I need help.]
<Love6> [I am in a very particular situation.]
<Love6> [uh]
<Love6> [Where do I start?]
<Love6> [What does "RB" means to you?]
At the time, this meant nothing to Moire, but then an answer came to their mind. It seems that an omnipresent force wants to give them help.
<Moiraid-F12> [Rift Breakers.]
<Love6> [!!!]
<Love6> [How]
<Love6> [How do you know about]
<Moiraid-F12> [Uh]
<Love6> [You]
<Love6> [You're not from our world, so how can you]
<Love6> [Ah, it doesn't matter!]
<Moiraid-F12> [Ok…?]
Quite a way to move on.
<Love6> [I'm a Rift Breaker.]
<Love6> [I fight monsters coming out of the Rifts.]
<Love6> [They've been threatening my town for ages.]
<Love6> [Normally I do very well in solo]
<Love6> [without Alex and the girls (Lily and Nana), but right now...]
<Love6> [It all started after I borrowed Lily's cell phone.]
<Love6> [Two strange apps have appeared.]
<Love6> ["ChatAid", which you already know and "RiftDetect".]
<Love6> [I never thought there exist a Rifts detector]
<Love6> [especially since Charlie would know, he who created a secret website for the RB,]
<Moiraid-F12> [Charlie?]
<Love6> [and he doesn't know anything about this app.]
<Love6> [He told me not to take any risks, but I had to test it.]
<Love6> [I tested it, and it led me to a strange Rift.]
<Love6> [It isn’t an ordinary Rift nor a golden Vortex-Rift but a round portal.]
<Moiraid-F12> [I see.]
<Love6> [Being curious, I went inside.]
<Love6> [How stupid of me.]
<Love6> [Now I'm trapped in a labyrinth full of monsters. My Voices... The souls I carry.]
<Love6> [Rowan, Iola, and the other ones. I hear them but my powers upon the elements are sealed.]
<Love6> [It is impossible to call my friends for help, the cell phone line is disconnected and]
<Love6> [no trace of an exit.]
<Love6> [I need your help, Moiraid-F12. Without you I'm screwed!]
<Moiraid-F12> [Don't worry, I'll help you.]
Moire has nothing else to do, anyhow.
<Love6> [Ah...]
<Love6> [Well, Rowan was wrong.]
<Love6> ["No one's going to help you."]
<Love6> [That's what he told me.]
<Moiraid-F12> [:d]
<Love6> [XD]
<Love6> [So]
<Love6> [I take the way up or down?]
<Moiraid-F12> [Uh. Up.]
<Love6> [Ok.]
A few minutes go by and then...
<Love6> [I had to avoid a few monsters.]
<Love6> [And I came across a dead end.]
<Love6> [I'm turning back.]
Some time later…
<Love6> [Oh!]
<Love6> [I can see the way out!]
<Love6> [But there is a real monsters' party.]
<Love6> [They are everywhere.]
<Love6> [What to do?]
<Moiraid-F12> [Discretion is not going to work. Rush into them and move forward!]
<Love6> [Huh!? Are you serious uh... gender-neutral pronoun?]
<Moiraid-F12> [Yes.]
<Love6> [Ah... Rowan tells me to do the same thing.]
<Love6> [Well, it will make me practice my evasions!]
<Moiraid-F12> [???]
<Love6> [Ok here I go!]
It makes them think of a song. Moire isn’t ashamed to sing.
<Moiraid-F12> [♫ Here I Go, Not Holding Back ♫]
<Moiraid-F12> [♫ Here I Go, Cannot Fallback ♫]
Sometime later...
<Love6> [I]
<Love6> [I did it.]
<Love6> [I got out of the maze and back to reality.]
<Moiraid-F12> [That's great.]
<Love6> [The strange Rift has disappeared.]
<Love6> [I hope it doesn't come back.]
<Love6> [The strange app "RiftDetect" is gone too.]
<Moiraid-F12> [Um.]
<Love6> [Anyway thank you for the help, Moiraid-F12.]
<Love6> [Oh I have a text from Charlie.]
<Moiraid-F12> [But who is Charlie?]
<Love6> [I wonder what he]
Suddenly, all messages disappear. [Disconnect from ChatAid's chatroom...] appears in green on the screen. Moire waits for some time and then [Disconnection complete.] appears just below it. Also in green. Immediately the program "ChatAid" is removed from their PC! The desktop is back to normal.
Although the chatroom closed abruptly, Aimé is still alive thanks to Moire. Now there is only one question in their mind: Will "ChatAid" ever come back? Only time will tell.